EAC’s Entrepreneur of the Month

Multimedia Memories is proud to have been featured as the Entrepreneur of the Month by the Entrepreneurship Advancement Center. See the featured article here. Entrepreneurs featured in past months can be found here.

Here’s an excerpt:

What do you like most about owning your own business?

I absolutely love the day to day creative work that I do, but what I like the most about my business is that I get to connect with people at important moments in their lives. Frequently clients come to me under noticeable stress. Whether it’s a happy occasion such as a wedding, a somber memorial service, or a banquet or fundraiser they’re tasked with organizing, they feel the weight of trying to manage lots of details. I have the opportunity to take some of that burden away, so they can focus on the memories. I still see that effect even when there’s not a specific event or deadline looming. For many people the goal of making those old home movies watchable again has been in the back of their mind for some time but the uncertainty of how to get it done makes it a procrastinated task, nagging at them. So, I have clients that are slightly stressed when they come to me, relieved when they entrust the task to me, and excited with anticipation when they get their discs back. I have happy customers who hug me! How many business owners get to say that?

A close second would be just the satisfaction of being a business owner, seeing this grow and being able to say, “I did this. I built that.”